No. I'm not joking you. I have started Madness Lethiferous 2. Reason being the first one did very well, loads of people liked it and added it to their favourites. Some people criticised it though, saying it was "unoriginal", "repetitive" and such. That's why I'm going to prove them wrong this time around. Madness Lethiferous 2 will be everything the first one was, except with better planning, more original ideas for parts, and absolutely no delays.
I know a bunch of people got frustrated at how long the first one was taking, DIMB, Gabriel Barsch, but really, Madness Ultimate Collab took way longer than mine did. I'm sorry to you, I really do apologise that I kept you waiting in the dark for so long, and I understand completely if you don't want to join again because of that. I don't blame you. I might not have joined again either. But I was pretty new to making collabs, so this time I want to go all-out and make Lethiferous 2 twice as good as the first one, in half the time. What's more it should make a nice early Christmas present. :)
You don't have to be a famous animator, just some talent and motivation to get things done.
1. Zunder
2. XXblinx
3. XomfgX
4. Killerrobot24
5. IconicStemage
6. EDGe0wnz
7. xcooldude30x
8. vogxhamraks
9. MissingUsername
10. Clatform
11. lolman415
12. Madgrenade
13. sebaametalix
14. ZaracaM
15. XRoadKillX
If there's too many people there will have to be voting to see who stays in.
Seeing some really good potential in some people, if i asked you to, can you start a part and send me some progress. Because I need to be sure you can make collab parts and not just short clips. Otherwise you might get removed from the list if we have too many people.
Release date: November 25th (final).
Parts deadline: November 15st
Minimum number of parts: 2 (A 3rd would be awesome)
Parts have to be 10 seconds or longer.
Frame rate: 30fps
No other rules.
Please show me some kind of simple test if you want to join. Feel free to comment.
Lethiferous 2 will be dedicated to smotezsince he enjoyed the first one so much. /sarcasm
I tried doing some artwork, and scanning it onto the computer. Will add some tests later.
Madness Lethiferous was favorited by 36 people, has a score of 4.07 and has been watched by over 11,500 people (October 2nd). A huge success! Thanks to everyone involved.