Expect it.
Be offended, be very offended. Any delays are the fault IconicStemage who is currently in a coma. Perhaps tonight depending on whether or not he can be wakened in time. The storyline is about DIMB's revenge after he discovers his loyal friend has make an animation about him. He gathers together a crew of some unlikely characters to hunt down and kill the person responsible. That is all.
How's everyone's parts for Lethiferous coming along? Keep me updated with progress. (Deadline is the 15th.. you mustsend me some kind of progress by that date).
Prestiged after 1day 6min 24seconds combat time. Not bad. Onto second prestige!
sounds epic. especially dimb's new look. he has a beard.. i think
Yes indeed. He also has a beak. I BET YOU MISSED THAT HUH
Dimb's a cool guy he grows beards and doesn't afraid of anything.