a madness test scene (first in ages) posted hopefully tonight, just gotta add all dat bluud
I'm about 10% into my project for Madness Day. I plan to keep adding scenes to it until September. Will upload some tests at some point. This also happened last night
Started drawing this guy who';ll be finished off shortly./ Well he turned into this.
What are these.... D:
That cool motherfucker Clitporn made the kickass Orangebat drawing I attached. Huge thanks, I can't even comprehend how fucking amazing this is and how awesome you are for making it. While on the subject of retarded fucking bat porn, I'll be upl04ding more Orangebat series episodes soon so prepare your anus for a level of brain damage never before witnessed on Newgrounds.
Pasta from the last newspost
The finest piece of animation to ever grace the NG portal. Check out The Dolan Escapades before it gets blammed.
Not sure if I should make more... Yes/Fuck no? ...
I'm almost done a short psychedelic [sorta] animation which will be uploaded 1-2 weeks. I hope to make weirder content in the future. There might be another Orangebat episode uploaded to coincide with that and some unoriginal Madness toons are also in production. The purpose of this newspost was not to update progress but to post this goddamn awesome motherfucking Youtube video.
This is seriously the greatest "thing" I have ever seen.
boobs ;D::D:D:D:DD